Flash House & Dance Music 80s 90s
Flash House & Dance Music 80s 90s

Flash House & Dance Music 80s 90s

Forum - Flash House & Dance Music (80s, 90s e 00s)
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 Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K

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8 participantes

Sexo : Masculino
Zodíaco : Áries
Nº de Mensagens : 4288
Idade : 42
Localização : Piracicaba - SP
Registrado em : 14/04/2008

Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K Empty
MensagemAssunto: Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K   Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K I_icon_minitimeSáb Jan 20 2024, 00:31

Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart
Label: Italian Style Production – ISP 1274
Format: Vinyl, 12", 33 ⅓ RPM, Stereo
Country: Italy
Released: 1994
Genre: Electronic
Style: Italodance

A1 - Take Me To Your Heart (Extended Mix)
A2 -Take Me To Your Heart (Radio Edit)
B1 - Take Me To Your Heart (Vocal Mix)
B2 - Take Me To Your Heart (Acappella)

Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K Vinil89

Senha / Password: ultradancemusic8090

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Senha para descompactar meus arquivos:
ultradancemusic8090 ou www.ultradancemusic8090.com 
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Nível 3 - (101 - 200)
Nível 3 - (101 - 200)

Sexo : Masculino
Nº de Mensagens : 110
Registrado em : 28/10/2023

Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K   Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K I_icon_minitimeSáb Jan 20 2024, 01:16

Muchas gracias por el aporte!
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Nível 5 - (301 - 500)
Nível 5 - (301 - 500)

Sexo : Masculino
Nº de Mensagens : 323
Registrado em : 30/12/2023

Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K   Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K I_icon_minitimeSáb Jan 20 2024, 12:27

Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K 254265 Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K 254265 Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K 254265 Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K 508284 Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K 508284 Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K 508284 Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K 508284 Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K 254265 Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K 254265 Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K 254265 Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K 254265 Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K 254265
Ir para o topo Ir para baixo
Nível 7 (1001 - 2000)
Nível 7 (1001 - 2000)

Sexo : Masculino
Nº de Mensagens : 1717
Registrado em : 05/01/2022

Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K   Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K I_icon_minitimeDom Jan 21 2024, 05:33

Muito obrigado por compartilhar esta raridade
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Discoteca Discoflash
Nível 3 - (101 - 200)
Nível 3 - (101 - 200)

Sexo : Masculino
Nº de Mensagens : 165
Registrado em : 17/10/2023

Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K   Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K I_icon_minitimeSeg Jan 22 2024, 23:06

Muito Top Essa Miusica
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Alessandro Fabrício
Nível 1 - (0 - 50)
Nível 1 - (0 - 50)

Sexo : Masculino
Nº de Mensagens : 38
Registrado em : 25/10/2022

Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K   Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K I_icon_minitimeTer Jan 23 2024, 11:23

Muito top
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Nível 5 - (301 - 500)
Nível 5 - (301 - 500)

Sexo : Masculino
Nº de Mensagens : 431
Registrado em : 02/06/2020

Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K   Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K I_icon_minitimeQui Jan 25 2024, 08:47

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Nível 6 - (501 - 1000)
Nível 6 - (501 - 1000)

Sexo : Masculino
Nº de Mensagens : 876
Registrado em : 06/06/2013

Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K   Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K I_icon_minitimeQui Ago 22 2024, 03:13

muito boa,, simplesmente legal,,
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Humanize - Take Me To Your Heart (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1274) (ITA, 1994) 320K
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Página 1 de 1
 Tópicos semelhantes
» Nevada - Make My Day (12 Vinil, Italian Style Production ) (1994, ITA, 320K)
» Synthesis - End Of Time (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1233) (ITA, 1994) (320K)
» House Corporation - I Know I Can Do It (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP - 1103) (1991, Italo House) 320K - [Post. 29/07/2024]
» Synthesis - Thank You (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1029) (1990, ITA, FLAC)
» Infinity - Dirty Love (12'' Vinil, Italian Style Production – ISP 1173) (ITA 1993)

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Flash House & Dance Music 80s 90s :: 90's - Categoria - (Albuns, Singles, Videos, Sets) :: 90's - Singles (CD-Single, Maxi-Single, EP's, LP's) :: 90s Dance / Eurodance - (Eurodance, Italodance, Euro House, Eurobeat, Dancefloor, Euro-NRG & Others) - ((Mp3))-
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